Tuesday 10 November 2009

Vessel Project

My vessel and exhibition display

I have been a bit lazy recently with my lack of blogging - That is all going to change! I have been meaning to write about my first jewellery and metalwork project for ages. It was to design and make a vessel paying particular attention to texture. My original idea was based on the beach and I looked at the soft textures and patterns of sand. I then went on to draw inspiration from the shape and form of seashells. My original design was based on a dome making workshop we had at the start of the semester. I had planned to make several larger domes and solder them together with smaller domes to make my vessel. However I had a bit of a problem with the larger ones in that they crinkled up when I went to dome them. After 3 days of getting nowhere I abandoned that idea and went on to make this piece - still using the smaller doming technique. I drew inspiration from the designer Ane Christensen in her cut out negetive shapes. Still working with circles I cut out rings and soldered them to a larger piece - this process took longer then expected as the solder would not stick and I did end up going home with a burnt finger in a huff at one point! I had created the texture with a hammer and wanted it to be the same all over. I also started researching tropical flowers for the pattern and arrangement of the rings and domes on my vessel. My piece was made from copper and silver plated, I then brushed back the silver to reveal a pinky base keeping the rings silver. I also oxidised the domes to bring out the slight crinkly texture within them. Overall I was really happy with my piece and everyones work went into an exhibition in the jewellery corridor along with the third year work. It's on till about christmas time - go see it!

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