Last week we had a group meeting to decide what we could research for our dissertations. I think I might research into Interactive jewellery. I first thought about sustainability and renewable energy and that reminded me of a second year project in which I designed a solar powered pendant. 

Group meeting - look at us all hard at work!
The idea was the pendant was made up of a solar panel which would generate and store enough energy to charge a mobile phone or Ipod. How many times have you been out and your phone or Ipod has died... its always that time where you need to make that important phone call or have to walk home alone - musicless. It was only a short project so I never actually went about making the pendant but researched ways in which it could be done. It has got me thinking about other types of interactive jewellery, possibly video or camera based or jewellery for medical purposes. I would need to reasearch further into the topic to see what kinds of interactive jewellery have already been designed and made and see if I can produce something new or develop an existing idea. I felt this would relate to my fourth year studio work as it was something I was interested in carrying on in the future. We had a lecture on Interactive Jewellery last year from Hazel White, I want to look further into her work as I find the things she has achieved are inspiring.
Interactive Jewellery mind map - I think this could be developed further
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