Having a great time with our mind maps!

This semester we have all been allocated study groups. My group met up a couple of weeks ago to discuss which topics we were going to research for our Wiki articles. We then met up a second time to discuss each others mind maps and add any more ideas we may have about each others topics.
The topic I have chosen to research is climate change and design because I am particuarly interested in sustainability and renewable energy sources. One of my studio projects last year were based on renewable energy and solar panels. So far I have really enjoyed researching climate change and the solutions designers are coming up with to combat global warming. From wind farms and solar panels to recyclable packaging and new products. Campaigns and 'Green' building construction to installing tram lines in cities. Doing this research has really motivated me to really think about the materials I use in my studio work and wether or not I could do anything to make it more environmentally friendly.
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